My Professional Path
Rosemary Hanrahan MD, MPH, PCC
Rosemary Hanrahan MD, MPH is a physician, author and wellness coach with 15 years of experience in the nonprofit sector and 25 years of experience practicing anatomic and clinical pathology. She has lived and volunteered in developing countries such as Nepal, Botswana and Haiti. In addition to volunteering as a consultant in international healthcare and writing grants for nonprofit organizations, she has been an executive board member of Vincentian Collaborative System (VCS) since 2010. VCS provides a continuum of senior services in the Western Pennsylvania region.
Rosemary was the 2003 and 2006 recipient of the College of American Pathologists Foundation Humanitarian Grant Award for her medical laboratory work in Haiti. In 2007, she also received the Delta Omega National Honor Society Award for Best Master’s Thesis in Public Health and the Outstanding Student Award for Academic Excellence from the University of Pittsburgh Graduate School of Public Health.
When Dreams Touch, Rosemary’s first novel, was released in March 2014, and has received multiple awards for independently published fiction.
The mother of two adult sons, Rosemary lives in Western Pennsylvania, and is the Founder of Beyond Words Wellness Resources, LLC. Beyond Words Wellness Resources offers professional coaching for individuals and organizations in the healthcare, nonprofit and academic sectors, as well as individually tailored wellness products and workshops for community groups and nonprofit organizations.
Rosemary also enjoys outdoor activities, travel, and humbly and joyfully participating in triathlons.
Education & Training
Doctor of Medicine, University of Pittsburgh School of Medicine
Master of Public Health, University of Pittsburgh Graduate School of Public Health
Professional Coach Certificate, Duquesne University
ADAPT Career Coaching Course, Duquesne University
Level I Reiki Practitioner Allegheny Health Network
Wellness Advocate, DoTERRA Essential Oil
American Medical Association
College of American Pathologists
American Society of Clinical Pathology
American Public Health Association
Harvard Institute of Coaching
International Coaching Federation
Pennwriters Group